“primary” Charts

Which 2016 Candidates Are Generating the Most Buzz? »

The 2016 election has received more media coverage this year than either the 2012 or 2008 campaigns received during comparable…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 348
Score: 5

The Paul Ryan Factor »

With Donald Trump now the presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States, many conservatives are conflicted as to…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 264

The Cost Of Winning Iowa »

Although Hillary Clinton claimed a narrow victory in Iowa, apparently as a result of a few fortuitous coin flips, hope…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 138

What Is Trump Doing To The Republican Party? »

Whether you love him or hate him, there is no doubt that Donald Trump has made an impact on the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 319

Wind(-y City) in Her Sails: Preckwinkle Threatens Emanuel »

Mayor Emanuel is fighting an uphill battle for reelection. A recent poll shows that if the Democratic primary for Chicago…

by: Noah
views: 95

Republican Primary Challengers by Idealogy in IL and TX »

The Tea Party is the dominant source of challenges in Republican primaries.

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 112

Incumbents Facing Primary Challenges in Texas and Illinois »

Few incumbents get challenged and even when they do they usually win.

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 115

Republican Primary Challengers by Idealogy in OH, NC and IN »

The Tea Party remains a force to be reckoned with within the Republican Party.

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 107

Percent of Incumbents Facing Primary Challengers-OH, NC & IN »

Republican incumbents are more likely to draw a challenger than are Democratic incumbents in Ohio, North Carolina and Indiana.

The Brookings Institution
by: The Brookings Institution
views: 124

The 2016 Presidential Media Primary is off to a Fast Start »

Presidential campaign coverage always seems to start early, and perhaps more so this year. The 2016 election has received more…

Michael Collier
by: Michael Collier
views: 153

If The Democratic Primary Were Held Today, Who Would Win? »

If the Democratic primary for New York City mayor were to be held today, registered Democrats are more likely to…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 174