“pay” Charts

Are NFL Cheerleaders Underpaid? »

This chart can really put into perspective the sad truth of the average NFL cheerleader pay. To learn more about…

Noah Maney
by: Noah Maney
views: 552
Score: 15

The Lowest Paying College Majors »

It's just about time for finals, but after seeing your major on this list, you might want to re-evaluate your…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 676
Score: 2

How To Fix Congress According to the American People »

This poll was open ended, yet 22% of people believe that every member of Congress should be removed and/ or…

Alejandro Esquino Gomez
by: Alejandro Esquino Gomez
views: 273
Score: 2

Women Work Just as Hard But Make Less »

The majority of women in the US still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for equal…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 407
Score: 2

America's Best Paying Jobs »

If you are looking to make a great living, these are the professions that you want to pursue. With nearly…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 466

Most Americans Agree: We Don't Pay Our Teachers Enough »

They are given the daunting task of molding the minds of America's future, yet a majority of the public believe…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 215

These University Presidents Make More Than Some CEOs »

Some may have never heard of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI); it is primarily a university dedicated to engineering and sciences…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 197

Poverty Rates Are Higher For Women »

Women are disproportionately represented in low-wage positions making up two-thirds of all minimum wage workers. Minority women are more likely…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 475

Not Only Are Businesses Hiring, They're Paying Workers More »

The job market is improving, with more than 288,000 new jobs in June alone, a figure much higher than the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 482

Happy People Make More Money »

In line with the notion that happier workers are better workers, higher well-being is also shown to be associated with…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 366

Energy Sector Receives Largest Raise »

In 2013, energy employees in the oil, gas and mining sectors, were expected to receive the largest pay raises at…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 260

Gender Could Be Holding You Back From Getting That Raise »

With the rising cost of living, it seems as if everyone could use a raise in salary these days, but…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 321

What You Make In A Lifetime Can Be Made In 5 Minutes »

According to a medieval historian, today's wealth inequality is much worse than what prevailed in the Middle Ages. What does…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 259