Are NFL Cheerleaders Underpaid?

by Noah Maney on Nov 11, 2014 | Views: 561 | Score: 15
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Noah Maney
Noah Maney on Nov 11, 2014 5:07 PM said:

This chart can really put into perspective the sad truth of the average NFL cheerleader pay. To learn more about how much a cheerleader is worth to a team and the struggles they face fighting for a decent salary read these articles:………

Daniel W.
Daniel W. on Nov 12, 2014 5:34 AM said:

I've heard somewhere that, for example, Cowboys Cheerleaders get paid for other events/to make appearances at events. Is this true or is it made up?

Noah Maney
Noah Maney on Nov 12, 2014 5:53 AM said:

I think you're right, Daniel. In one of the many articles I read on this topic it says that each football team has their own contracts with the cheerleaders (which explains why the pay is different for each team) and most include some type of pay for special events, autographs, etc. It's hard to say for certain because not many teams have their contracts open to the public to review.

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