“leadership” Charts

In These Countries, The Women Are In Charge »

If you are looking for leadership with a bit more of a feminine touch, Jamaica is the country for you.…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 158
Score: 1

What Makes The Ideal Manager? »

It takes a lot to manage employees of a company, at least according to a recent YouGov poll. Americans identified…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 176

Fortune 500 Boards Lack Women of Color »

Women are majority of the U.S population, but that is not represented in the workplace when it comes to leadership…

by: danna.rossi
views: 88

Who Should Take The Lead In Washington? »

Onto whom does the responsibility of leadership fall? Americans are deeply divided over this issue, with nearly equal percentages of…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 70

Women See More Benefits to Female Leadership »

More women than men believe that female leadership improves the quality of life for all women. Pew Research finds that…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 173

Americans Have Lost Faith in Obama's Leadership »

A recent WSJ/NBC poll found that the majority of Americans no longer believe that President Barack Obama is a competent…

by: RJC
views: 212

Unemployment Remains Stubborn »

U-3 unemployment rose to 7.3 percent (from 7.2), which reflect a loss of 735,000 jobs and a loss of 720,000…

American Action Forum
by: American Action Forum
views: 260

Depression at Work? »

A study presented in the Journal of Managerial Psychology (Byrne & Hochwater, 2008) found that people experiencing job mistreatment were…

Bill Treasurer
by: Bill Treasurer
views: 185

Rethinking Leadership »

In working with leaders, I've found asking questions is a sorely undervalued technique. Many equate asking questions with losing power…

by: cnix
views: 123