Upward Mobility: Steer Clear of Here

by New Economy Working Group on Mar 10, 2014 | Views: 98 | Score: 0
Cleveland, OHSt. Louis, MORaleigh, NCJacksonville, FLColumbus, OHIndianapolis, INDayton, OHAtlanta, GAMilwaukee, WICharlotte, NC
Bottom 10 Cities5.
Odds of Reaching the Top Income Quintile Starting from the Bottom Quintile
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New Economy Working Group
New Economy Working Group on Mar 4, 2014 1:16 PM said:

Although upward mobility has remained relatively constant over the last 30 years, the opportunity to move up the income ladder still depends greatly on region. This study compares the 50 biggest U.S. cities. Some cities boast figures comparable to other wealthy countries, while the bottom scoring cities are some of the lowest among developed nations. 10 Top Cities: swaywhat.com/chart-6274072153…