"Conservative Advantage" Wanes in US States

by Matt Hartill on Feb 1, 2014 | Views: 449 | Score: 5
Conservative StatesLiberal States
Wyoming/ D.C.51.438.1
Mississippi/ Vermont47.932.4
Idaho/ Massachusetts47.530.2
Utah/ Delaware46.929.3
Montana/ New York45.228.2
Top 5 Conservative/Liberal States
Percentage Conservative/Liberal (%)
Sources: gallup.com
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Matt Hartill
Matt Hartill on Feb 1, 2014 9:52 AM said:

A Gallup Poll compares American political ideology throughout the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Interestingly, the article points out a longstanding "conservative advantage." In other words, the "most conservative" states are much more conservative than the "most liberal" states are liberal.