Senate's Most Powerful Republican is Least Popular Senator

by The National Memo on Dec 17, 2013 | Views: 173 | Score: 1
% of Kentuckians
Approve of McConnell's Job Performance31
Approve of Obama's Job Performance31
Would Vote Grimes Over McConnell in 201442
Would Vote McConnell Over Grimes in 201443
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The National Memo
The National Memo on Dec 17, 2013 1:10 PM said:

Another poll shows Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in a statistical tie with the likely Democratic challenger for his Senate seat, Kentucky secretary of state Alison Lundergan Grimes. McConnell’s favorable-to-unfavorable rating of 31% to 61% doesn’t just make him the nation’s least popular senator, it makes him as popular in his home state as President Obama.