Highest Grossing Films in US Box Office

by Matthew Lawlor on Oct 15, 2013 | Views: 120 | Score: 0
Box Office Revenue
Avatar (2009)7.6
Titanic (1997)6.5
The Avengers (2012)6.2
The Dark Knight (2008)5.3
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999)4.7
Millions of Dollars
Sources: imdb.com
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Matthew Lawlor
Matthew Lawlor on Oct 15, 2013 9:32 PM said:

Titanic (1997) was the highest grossing film of all time for twelve years with revenues of 650 million dollars. Titanic was surpassed by Avatar in 2009 with box office revenues of 760 million dollars. Blockbuster films have been proven to still be popular as three of the five highest grossest films were released in the last five years.