Facebook Needs A Dislike Button

by SavvyRoo on Mar 4, 2016 | Views: 76 | Score: 0
Regarding Facebook, % of Americans that believe the best approach to altering the "like" button is...
Have a "like" and a "dislike" button43
Have the new "reactions" options29
Stick with the original "like" button15
Other / Don't know / No opinion13
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SavvyRoo on Mar 4, 2016 11:49 AM said:

Facebook recently unveiled its new "reactions" feature, changing the standard "like" button into a variety of different emotive expressions. However, Facebook did not include the one feature that a plurality of Americans want: a dislike button. While about three in ten Americans favor the new "reactions" options, including the options to like, love, laugh and be angry at a post, more than four in ten Americans would prefer to have the option to dislike a Facebook status.