What Is The Purpose Of Our Government?

by Christian Stellakis on Nov 28, 2015 | Views: 159 | Score: 0
Keeping the country safe from terrorResponding to natural disastersEnsuring safe food and medicineManaging the immigration systemMaintaining infrastructureProtecting the environmentStrengthening the economyEnsuring access to high quality educationEnsuring basic income for retireesSetting workplace standardsEnsuring access to healthcareHelping people get out of povertyAdvancing space exploration
% of Americans that say the government should play a major role in...94888781767574706966615547
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Nov 28, 2015 8:11 AM said:

In a nation as large and diverse as the United States, the role of the American government will undoubtedly be critical to the functioning of the nation. Given limited time and resources, however, the question becomes which roles are the most important. According to a recent study by Pew Research, the vast majority of Americans believe that the government should play a major part in maintaining and protecting the nation's integrity. Unfortunately for NASA, though, only 47% of Americans think space exploration should fall to the government.