The Cost Of America, One Citizen At A Time

by SavvyRoo on Jun 28, 2015 | Views: 218 | Score: 0
General GovernmentProtectionTransportationInterest On DebtOther SpendingWelfareFederal deficitDefenseEducationPensionsHealthcare
Per capita government spending in the United States in 2015473.8847.7862.71040.41234.71414.11813.42538.628723880.94221.5
Government Expenditure
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SavvyRoo on Jun 28, 2015 9:52 AM said:

The government spends a lot of money, that much is for sure, but if the amount was divided among every citizen in America, how much would it be? The answer comes out to a little over 20 thousand dollars per person. Healthcare and pensions account for the largest portion of government expenditures, together costing about 8,000 dollars per person in 2015.