Want Stricter Gun Laws? You're Probably A Democrat

by SavvyRoo on Oct 15, 2015 | Views: 179 | Score: 0
National gun registry8649
Ban on 10+ round magazines7239
Semi-auto ban6937
Limit on # of handguns a person can own6828
% of Americans that support the following gun control measures
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SavvyRoo on Oct 15, 2015 4:28 PM said:

A result of the recent shootings, the question of more extensive gun regulations has come to the forefront of political discussions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Democrats are far more likely to support gun control policies than Republicans. By nearly a two to one margin, the vast majority of Dems support a national gun registry, a clip-size ban, a ban on semi-automatic weapons, and a limit on the number of handguns an individual can own.