The Great Paper Money Debate: Who Should Be Replaced?

by SavvyRoo on Jun 24, 2015 | Views: 602 | Score: 2
% of Americans that believe the following politicians should be replaced with another historical figure on paper currency
None / Remain Unchanged37
Andrew Jackson14
Alexander Hamilton12
Ulysses S. Grant12
Benjamin Franklin5
Abraham Lincoln3
George Washington1
Not sure16
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SavvyRoo on Jun 24, 2015 4:55 PM said:

The US Mint recently announced that, starting in 2020, a woman will replace Alexander Hamilton on the face of the ten dollar bill. But is this what Americans want? Not according to a recent YouGov poll, which found that a plurality of Americans don't want there to be any change at all. What's more, Hamilton isn't even the top choice to be replaced; Andrew Jackson inches out both Hamilton and Grant as the most easily replaceable of the bunch.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Jun 24, 2015 5:05 PM said:

As a senior at Hamilton College, I might be a little biased, but there is absolutely no reason why they should be removing the first Secretary of Treasury from our currency. I understand the impetus to place a woman on our money, but if one has to go, should it be the Founding Father that established the first national bank? That doesn't make much sense to me.

Noah on Jun 25, 2015 3:28 AM said:

It's a matter of timing. The $10 is up for redesign. As other bills come up for redesign you might see some of these other faces replaced as well.

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