When Does "He" Officially Become "She" (Or Vice Versa)?

by SavvyRoo on Jun 5, 2015 | Views: 155 | Score: 0
When is it appropriate to change the pronoun you use to refer to a transgender person from his or her birth gender to her or his new gender identity?
As soon as the person identifies as transgender29
Not sure27
After gender reassignment surgery12
Once the person exhibits the public appearance of a given gender 8
Once the person begins any medical treatment, for example hormone therapy4
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SavvyRoo on Jun 5, 2015 6:51 PM said:

Approaching the issue of transgender identity can be difficult, especially when there is disagreement over which pronoun to use. The American public is deeply divided over how to refer to a transgender individual, and nearly thirty percent of Americans simply admit that they do not know the answer.