How Connection Speed Affects Data Traffic

by JeanCarlo Garcia on Apr 19, 2015 | Views: 182 | Score: 1
Avg. Smartphone Connection Speed (Kbps)Avg. Traffic (Mbps)
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JeanCarlo Garcia
JeanCarlo Garcia on Apr 19, 2015 1:56 PM said:

Data shows how the increased growth of smartphone connection speed, makes for a great increase in data traffic. Quadrupling in just five short years. (Based on worldwide increase speeds and data traffic)

Kent F.
Kent F. on Apr 21, 2015 9:03 AM said:

JeanCArlo,I think you have to beware reading causation ("makes for great increase") into these data. How do we know if greater usage has more to do with more people or more message due to time or more smartphones, perhaps just facilitated by connection speed. I'd be more comfortable with something like "traffic soars even more than connection speed."

Also, can you give the intervening years between '11 and '15? I just realized that these two years are not truly comparable since 2016 must be Cisco's prediction. A more persuasive chart has several years of actual, maybe followed by '15 and '16 estimated/predicted. You don't want to be accused of just propagating Cisco's self-interested propaganda, since your point is surely supportable, at least through '14.