Sexual Assault On Campus: What Colleges Really Care About
by SavvyRoo on Mar 28, 2015 | Views: 249 | Score: 3
In cases of sexual assault, percent of Americans that believe colleges place the most emphasis on ... Protecting the reputation of the college | 58 |
Other | 10 |
Protecting the rights of the accused | 8 |
Protecting the rights of the victim | 24 |
According to the majority of Americans, when sexual assault occurs on campus, colleges aren't concerned with the victim or the accused. Instead, about six out of every ten Americans believe that colleges prioritize protecting their own reputation over anything else.
Working for a college campus in both professional and paraprofessional roles, I can attest to the seriousness that such incidents are always treated with. I believe protecting the rights of both the accused and the victim, especially, are extremely important. However, just like any other bureaucratic institution, I can understand why the general public would simply assume that protecting their reputation is top priority.