Are Americans Pranksters At Heart?

by SavvyRoo on Mar 28, 2015 | Views: 184 | Score: 1
Men are more likely than women to pull pranksNow that I am an adult, I have a lower appreciation for pranksI think pranks are funny as long as I am not the targetI will be the target of at least one prank on April Fool's DayI will attempt at least one prank on April Fool's DayI still think "Kick Me" signs are funnyI prefer digital pranks to pranking in personMy family has a tradition of pranking one another on April Fool's Day
% of Americans that agree with the following statements...7057413735241918
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SavvyRoo on Mar 28, 2015 8:01 AM said:

With April Fool's Day right around the corner, it's time to bust out your best gags. According to a recent Harris Interactive poll, however, the majority of Americans do not consider themselves pranksters as they are not planning to prank anyone on April 1st. In fact, only about one in five Americans claim that their family maintains a pranking tradition.