Salaries of World Leaders

by ryan.foulds on Mar 24, 2015 | Views: 141 | Score: 0
Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore)1700000
Barack Obama (US)400000
Jacob Zuma (South Africa)223500
François Hollande (France)194300
Vladimir Putin (Russia)136000
Dilma Rousseff (Brazil)120000
Xi Jinping (China)22000
Salary ($)
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ryan.foulds on Mar 24, 2015 6:24 PM said:

In 2001, the salary of the US president doubled from $200,000 to $400,000. Obama has been criticized for this high salary, but compared to some world leaders, it is just a fraction. In addition to salary, it is worth considering these salaries in regards to the levels of corruption in these nations and overall wealth of these leaders.