What's up with WhatsApp?

by SavvyRoo on Mar 8, 2015 | Views: 2613 | Score: 0
Number of WhatsApp's monthly active users worldwide (in millions)
April 2013200
June 2013250
August 2013300
October 2013350
December 2013400
February 2014465
April 2014500
August 2014600
January 2015700
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SavvyRoo on Mar 8, 2015 4:23 PM said:

Quite a bit, actually. In less than two year's time, the app has been able to accrue approximately 700 million active users. Designed to allow mobile phone users of different carriers to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS, WhatsApp has increased from 200 to 700 million users in a shorter period of time than it took for Facebook to make that jump.