Republicans Getting the Blues Over Future Blue America

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 29, 2013 | Views: 48 | Score: 0
Political Party AdvantageElectoral College Votes
Hawaii (D)244
Maryland (D)2310
Rhode Island (D)234
New York (D)2231
Massachusetts (D)2012
Utah (R)375
Wyoming (R)303
Idaho (R)284
North Dakota (R)193
Nebraska (R)175
Kansas (R)166
States Solidly Backing One Political Party
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 29, 2013 1:56 AM said:

6 of the states considered solidly-Democratic are among the 10 most populous in the country. Meanwhile, the second most populous solidly-Republican states, Alabama, ranks 23rd. This gives Democrats a decided advantage in reaching 270 electoral college votes for the presidency: solidly-Democratic states constitute 164 votes; even including leaning-Republican with solidly-Republican, these states only total 76 votes.