America's Voters: Misinformed, and Misinformed About It

by Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 28, 2013 | Views: 203 | Score: 0
Voted DemocraticVoted Republican
Most Scientists Do Not Believe Climate Change Is Occuring2662
The Economy Is Getting Worse3672
Obama Has Not Increase Troop Levels in Afghanistan5139
The Auto Industry Bailout Did Not Occur Under Both Bush and Obama6871
Most Economists Estimate Stimulus Saved/Created Few or No Jobs8292
Income Taxes Have Not Decreased During Obama Administration8292
Americans Misinformed On Issue
Americans Believing False Claim (%)
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Anthony Sibley (AJ)
Anthony Sibley (AJ) on Jul 28, 2013 4:50 PM said:

94% of Americans regularly watch news media, and 57% of Democratic voters and 53% of Republican voters felt they encountered false information during the 2010 election cycle. However, evidently, Americans are still grossly unaware. When asked which issues most influenced their vote, income taxes, the stimulus package, and the state of the economy were among the 5-most-common responses.…