The Many Issues that Giraffe Heroes Tackle

by Giraffe Heroes Project on Jul 29, 2013 | Views: 209 | Score: 2
Health/Public Health/DisabilitiesPovertyYouth IssuesEnvironmentCommunity DevelopmentPublic SafetyInternational AidEducationCivil LibertiesWhistle BlowersGovernmentCriminal JusticeEthnicity/MinoritiesInternational PeaceWomen's IssuesBusiness/Workplace IssuesSubstance AbuseMedia IssuesGender IssuesAnimal ProtectionElder IssuesArts
Fields of Giraffe Work3442462031931911381111089892898381777268431918171713
Number of Heroes Involved
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Giraffe Heroes Project
Giraffe Heroes Project on Jul 29, 2013 2:14 PM said:

The Giraffe Heroes Project finds heroes who stick their necks out for he common good--then tells their stories on the web, in schools and through traditional and social media; others see and hear these stories and are inspired to act. As this graph shows, Giraffe Heroes tackle public problems of many kinds, including corruption, pollution and poverty.

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