Top Grossing Films of 2014

by Ian B. on Feb 3, 2015 | Views: 294 | Score: 4
Guardians of the GalaxyHunger Games:Mocking Jay Pt.1Captain America: Winter SoldierThe Lego MovieTransformers: Age of Extinction
Top Grossing Movies of 2014332862030316174548259746958257784718245439076
US Dollars
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Ian B.
Ian B. on Feb 3, 2015 7:35 PM said:

These are the Top Grossing films from the past year. 2 of which belong to Disney, and 2 of which star Chris Pratt

kendramayer2017 on Feb 5, 2015 3:38 AM said:

This shows the profitability of action movies that include an element of fantasy. I wonder what the budgets were for these movies -- I assume they were also all very high budget films. Do you think action films, and or high budget films will always dominate the "top grossing" list?

Madinah Noorai
Madinah Noorai on Feb 5, 2015 10:56 AM said:

I think low-budget films have the potential to dominate the "top grossing list", for instance those with low budgets that do much better than expected

Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Feb 5, 2015 6:10 PM said:

I would imagine all these movies got a healthy boost from 3D revenues. 3D may not work for all movies but its higher prices almost certainly gave these action-fantasy flicks an edge.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Feb 9, 2015 5:33 AM said:

I personally find it incredible that the Transformers series has been as successful as it has been. It's pretty much the same formula for each movie: explosions and giant fighting robots. The movies are consistently panned by critics. Alas, the Transformers series is immensely successful. I honestly don't understand why.

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