While Wealthy Bathe, Americans Reject Trickle Down Economics

by Peter Graham on Jan 31, 2015 | Views: 220 | Score: 0
Americans, do you agree with the theory of trickle down economics?0
Don't Know26
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Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Jan 31, 2015 8:32 AM said:

According to an Oxfam report, the top 1% of the world own 48% of the globe's wealth. This number is projected to eclipse 50% in 2016. Concentration of wealth in the hands of the few has been heralded by many in the neoliberal camp as sound economic policy. Ordinary Americans, however, reject the notion that the masses truly benefit as much as they could when living under a trickle-down economy.

Jay on Feb 2, 2015 5:24 AM said:

I find it hard to believe that anyone sees the concentration of wealth as healthy.

Peter Graham
Peter Graham on Feb 2, 2015 7:43 AM said:

Thanks for your comment, Jay. I would posit that no one would go so far as to say they advocate the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few, but rather say something like policies such as tax cuts for the rich and slashed public programs are engines of growth by which we all eventually benefit. These propositions are questionable at best, but their effects on the distribution of wealth seem clearer.