Americans Believe In The Right To Die

by SavvyRoo on Dec 5, 2014 | Views: 152 | Score: 0
Individuals who are terminally ill, in great pain and who have no chance for recovery, have the right to choose to end their own life. Percent of US adults that...0
Strongly agree54
Somewhat agree20
Not sure / Don't know8
Somewhat disagree4
Strongly disagree10
Declined to answer4
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SavvyRoo on Dec 5, 2014 1:13 PM said:

According to a recent Harris Interactive poll, nearly three out of every four Americans support a terminally ill individual's right to end their own life. Support has increased since 2011, possibly due to the publicity over the planned death of 29-year-old brain cancer patient Brittany Maynard.