Since peaking in 1992, gun violence declined steadily throughout the 90’s and early-2000s. Current homicide rates have not been seen since the early-1960s. However, most Americans are unaware of this trend: 56% said they believe gun-violence to be higher today than it was 20 years ago, with only 12% believing it is lower. Suicides constitute 6-in-every-10 gun-deaths.
Since peaking in 1992, gun violence declined steadily throughout the 90’s and early-2000s. Current homicide rates have not been seen since the early-1960s. However, most Americans are unaware of this trend: 56% said they believe gun-violence to be higher today than it was 20 years ago, with only 12% believing it is lower. Suicides constitute 6-in-every-10 gun-deaths.