Is This Line Secure?

by Christian Stellakis on Nov 14, 2014 | Views: 135 | Score: 0
Very SecureSomewhat SecureNot Very SecureNot Secure At AllDon't Know / No Opinion
Using a landline165119122
Calling on your cell phone94329172
Sending text messages73237222
Sending emails53536213
Using chat or IM42536323
Using social media sites21428524
How Secure Do You Feel Sharing Private Information When...
% of Americans
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Nov 14, 2014 6:32 AM said:

Is your private information safe from prying eyes? Could someone be listening in every time you make a phone call or send an email? A survey of the public found that Americans feel that their information is the safest when shared over a landline, and most at risk through social media.