#HeforShe: Women Are Drastically Underrepresented

by Kathleen Reynolds on Nov 11, 2014 | Views: 80 | Score: 0
Lower/Single HouseUpper House/Senate (0 indicates country is unicameral)
Rwanda (1)63.838.5
Andorra (2)500
Cuba (3)48.90
Seychelles (4)43.80
Sweden (5)43.60
Netherlands (16)38.70
Germany (21)36.527.5
France (48)26.225
China (62)23.40
United Kingdom (64)22.623.4
Saudi Arabia (76)19.90
United States (85)18.320
Russia (105)13.68
Sources: ipu.org
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Kathleen Reynolds
Kathleen Reynolds on Nov 11, 2014 1:43 PM said:

Even in 2014, nations exhibit dramatically lower representation of women in their respective governmental bodies, globally. Interestingly, Rwanda (which is currently classified as a developing country) has, as a percentage, by far the most women of any legislature or parliament. They are also the only country to have women representing over 50% of its lower house, though Andorra sits exactly at 50% with its unicameral chamber. The United States stacks up terribly, with lower numbers than China, and in fact, is close to Saudi Arabia in the rankings.