Rate of Change: Average US Wage vs. NFL Salary Cap

by Steven Krier on Apr 21, 2015 | Views: 276 | Score: 1
NFL Salary CapAverage US SalaryUS Inflation Rate
Percent Change from Prior Year
Sources: ssa.gov, nfl.com
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Steven Krier
Steven Krier on Apr 21, 2015 6:44 AM said:

Whenever my family talks sports, my grandmother always complains about how much athletes are paid more and more each year. I know their salaries are insanely high, but how much does it truly grow each year? The NFL salary cap limits how much a team can spend on salaries, making it an even playing field for all. As you can see, the salary cap change was higher than the average US salary change (as well as the inflation rate) in only 2 of the past 5 years. So yes, Grandma, they make loads of money, but our regular incomes are growing faster than theirs are.

Kent F.
Kent F. on Apr 21, 2015 8:39 AM said:

Fascinating observations, Steven.Nicely done. One question: What are your sources?

I hoe Grandma doesn't take offense for this rebuttal.

Steven Krier
Steven Krier on Apr 21, 2015 9:24 AM said:

Sorry about that, Professor. Forgot to add the "http" to the beginning of the links beforehand!

Noah on Apr 23, 2015 6:51 AM said:

That is interesting. NFL is also a fascinating example because of how short the careers are and how debilitating the game is for so many players after their careers end. So, yes, they get paid a lot. But for many that is only for a short time that ends with tough 2nd career options and a lifetime of health issues ahead.