The end of bipartisanship in Spain?

by Amparo C. on Nov 2, 2014 | Views: 194 | Score: 3
Right wing PPLeft wing PSOEPodemos
General Election44.632.30
August 201428.731.710.7
October 201430.930.213.8
November 201420.726.227.7
% Vote Preference
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Amparo C.
Amparo C. on Nov 2, 2014 5:50 PM said:

The Spanish party Podemos (We Can), won 1.5M votes, almost 8% of the overall vote count, and gained five seats in the European Parliament last May. An opinion poll reveals the party could even be the next winner force in Spain, with 27% of the votes, an unprecedented result for a just 8 months old party. Podemos’ rise drew votes away from the mainstream Socialists, such that, for the first time in 3 decades, the 2 major parties could not cover a majority of voters between them. 42% of respondents attribute this success to the political corruption and malfeasance in the banking sector.

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