Youth Vote Decides the Fate of the Country

by Eric Sirjord on Jun 7, 2013 | Views: 265 | Score: 6
18-29 year olds30+ year olds
1972 McGovern vs. Nixon4634
1976 Carter vs. Ford5150
1980 Carter vs. Reagan4438
1984 Mondale vs. Reagan4040
1988 Dukakis vs. Bush4745
1992 Clinton vs. Bush4343
1996 Clinton vs. Dole5348
2000 Gore vs. Bush4848
2004 Kerry vs. Bush5447
2008 Obama vs. McCain6650
2012 Obama vs. Romney6048
Percent voting for Democratic candidate...
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Eric Sirjord
Eric Sirjord on Jun 7, 2013 11:41 AM said:

This data shows the percentage of votes for the Democratic presidential candidates by age over the last 11 elections. In recent history, the only Democrat to have over 50% of the youth vote and lose the general election was John Kerry in 2004.

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