“wind” Charts

States Have Enormous Local Renewable Energy Potential »

States don't need dirty energy and most don't need to import energy, either. This map illustrates the state-by-state potential to…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 323
Score: 1

Utility Scale Clean Electricity Generation »

Over 200,000 Megawatt hours of generated electricity came from renewable power sources in 2014. This is the first time in…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 119

Our Most Promising Energy Sources »

Which of the world's energy sources shows the greatest potential? According to a recent Harris Interactive poll, Americans place a…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 161

U.S Homeowners On Clean Energy »

Nearly 9 out of 10 people say renewable energy is important to the nation's future. This spans all demographics as…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 179

Germany's Clean Power Revolution »

Twenty-five percent of Germany's power now comes from renewables. Even better, 47% of this wind and solar energy is owned…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 283

What Does a 21st Century Power Grid Look Like? »

In a grid centered on distributed renewable energy resources, the best energy supply is one that is flexible (can rapidly…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 111

Which Energy Source Kills More Birds? »

ThinkProgress cautions that these estimates be taken with a grain of salt, as they use different methodologies and data sets.…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 174

Renewable Energy Might Not Be Bad for Birds »

Conservationists and conservatives claim that renewable energy sources kill too many birds. U.S. News and World Report compiled data on…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 235

Which States Allow "Shared Renewables"? »

10 states and the District of Columbia allow virtual net metering or "shared renewables," a policy that allows many people…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 442

The More Local the Energy, the More Valuable It Is »

Centralized big energy nuclear and coal plants may mean big money for power companies. But local and renewable systems like…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 153