Which Energy Source Kills More Birds?

by Natalie Lubsen on Sep 12, 2014 | Views: 167 | Score: 0
Solar, Low EstimateSolar, High EstimateWind, Low EstimateWind, High EstimateOil & Gas, Low EstimateOil & Gas, High EstimateCoal
Estimated # of Birds Killed Each Year by Fuel Source10002800014000032800050000010000007900000
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Natalie Lubsen
Natalie Lubsen on Aug 27, 2014 11:32 AM said:

ThinkProgress cautions that these estimates be taken with a grain of salt, as they use different methodologies and data sets. But coal, with nearly 8 million bird deaths, as determined in a peer-reviewed study, is clearly the worst. Still, "none of these numbers hold a candle to cats, which are estimated to kill 1.4 to 3.7 billion birds every year."

Stephen Ostermiller
Stephen Ostermiller on Sep 30, 2014 4:36 AM said:

How does coal kill birds?

Noah on Sep 30, 2014 9:36 AM said:

Maybe destruction of habitat from mining practices.