“wage” Charts

Why You're Looking at the Gender Wage Gap Wrong Part 4 »

A statistical analysis done by CONSAD and commissioned by the Department of Labor demonstrates the wage gap is not all…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 359
Score: 5

Why You're Looking at the Gender Wage Gap Wrong Part 3 »

When it comes to family matters, women are much more likely to take the hit at work in order to…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 381
Score: 3

Women Work Just as Hard But Make Less »

The majority of women in the US still make only 77 cents for every dollar a man earns for equal…

Democracy Collaborative
by: Democracy Collaborative
views: 408
Score: 2

Why You're Looking at the Gender Wage Gap Wrong Part 2 »

Part of the problem in looking at the gender wage gap is difference in hours worked. The BLS lumps all…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 252
Score: 1

Why You're Looking at the Gender Wage Gap Wrong Part 1 »

When looking at what women study, the most top-heavy ones also tend to be in fields that have lower income…

Dustin M.
by: Dustin M.
views: 245
Score: 1

The Wage Gap: Shrinking Yet Persistent »

The Pew Research Center, analyzing the wages differences in men and women, found that the wage gap for young women…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 246
Score: 1

Want To Get Rich? Work For These Companies »

These ten business understand that happy employees are well-paid employees. While each of these companies boasts a median salary that…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 241

Critics of Raising Minimum Wage Debunked »

These 13 states have all increased their minimum wage. As a result, the employment rate is up in all those…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 275

Not Only Are Businesses Hiring, They're Paying Workers More »

The job market is improving, with more than 288,000 new jobs in June alone, a figure much higher than the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 483

Asian American Women Closest to Earning Same as White Men »

With white men earning the highest wages of anyone, this chart helps us to understand the racial wage gap--not just…

Jessica Garber
by: Jessica Garber
views: 213

Gender Wage Gap Largest Between Asian American Men and Women »

The gender wage gap isn't simply between genders--women of all races earn less than men of the same race group,…

Jessica Garber
by: Jessica Garber
views: 259

The Gender Wage Gap Varies by Race/Ethnic Background »

This gender wage gap does fluctuate between different ethnicities: African-American and Hispanic/Latino women make closer to what their same-race male…

Jessica Garber
by: Jessica Garber
views: 1177

Wage Inequality: Why The American Dream Is More of A Fantasy »

In the last thirty years, the average annual compensation of CEOs working at the top 350 publicly owned firms increased…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 215

Since 60s, CEOs Making 700% More, Workers Less than 6% »

A clear indicator of the egregious increase in wage inequality over the last thirty years is the change in compensation--including…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 280

We, The 99.9% -- Very Highest Earners Getting All the Raises »

Over the last three decades, the wage gap between the very highest income earners in the United States and everyone…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 204