“sex-trafficking” Charts

The Filthy Profits From Human Trafficking »

According to UN statistics, there is an estimated US $31.6 billion of global profits generated from the exploitation of all…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 559
Score: 10

Sex Trafficking For Our Sleepless Youth »

A study of youth human trafficking victims found that 48% engaged in commercial sex activity because they did not have…

by: Rachel
views: 398
Score: 5

Human Trafficking Revenue in US Trumps Major Industries »

Considering how expensive it is to both attend and purchase merchandise at NFL games, or to receive cosmetic surgery, should…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 235
Score: 3

Child Prostitution is a Problem, Even in the U.S. »

Between January 2008 and June 2010, there were 2,065 sex trafficking cases opened for investigation in the United States. Almost…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 154
Score: 2

Women Are More Likely To Be Victims of Sex Trafficking »

Women are more than twice as likely to become victims of sex trafficking when compared with men. The top five…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 351
Score: 1

Sex Traffickers Target the Young »

In U.S. federal investigations of human trafficking between 2008 and 2010, task forces investigated both labor trafficking and sex trafficking…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 124
Score: 1

Where do Victims of Human Trafficking in the US Come From? »

According to the Department of Justice, in cases confirmed as human trafficking by "high data quality task forces," a majority…

Peter Graham
by: Peter Graham
views: 128
Score: 1

Human Trafficking: A Growing Industry »

The sale of humans is third on the list of the world's largest illegal trade commodities behind drugs and weapons.…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 95

Requested Services by Survivors of Human Trafficking »

These results are based on a total of 588 cases and demonstrate that the most common service requested by survivors…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 156

The Breakdown of Modern Day Slavery in the Land of the Free »

The National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline receives 31,945 phone calls, tips, and information about human trafficking. From the…

September Oliveros
by: September Oliveros
views: 114

Race and Human Trafficking »

In confirmed trafficking cases in the United States, victims of sex trafficking were most likely to be black (40%) and…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 1140

US Citizens as Victims: Sex vs Labor Trafficking »

US citizens are more likely to be victims of sex trafficking over labor trafficking. The top three sex trafficking industries…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 192

First Sexual Exploitation: Age of Child vs. Age of Buyer »

A child's age is the largest contributing factor to what makes her or him a vulnerable target for traffickers.

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 132

Percent of Sex Trafficking that Occurs Locally May Shock You »

The percent of traffickers who operate locally is equal to the percent who operate city-wide, nationally, and internationally combined. This…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 201

Who's Trying to Purchase Sex with Minors? »

This data was based on a study of 137 cases of people who solicited sex from minors. Buyers found to…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 78

The Site That Generates Most Revenue from Prostitution is... »

Five websites tracked by the AIM Group generated $45 million from prostitution-related advertisements from June 2012 through May. 82.3 percent…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 197

Protected Innocence Challenge: How Does Your State Compare »

The Protected Innocence Challenge is a comprehensive study of existing state laws designed to inspire and equip advocates. Under the…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 135

Who Is to Blame for Sex Trafficking? »

A trafficker is anyone who profits by receiving cash or other benefits in exchange for sex with a minor. These…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 193

Buyers of Child Sex: Those Arrested vs. Actually Charged »

In a study that found cases where adults tried to solicit sex from a minor, not all of these "buyers"…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 52

How the Media Affects Society's Perception of Child Victims »

Out of 407 cases in which adults tried to solicit minors for sex, 25 media outlets referred to a minor…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 112

Legislative Progress Against Child Sex Trafficking: 2012-13 »

All but three states in the US enacted legislation related to combatting domestic minor sex trafficking between 2012-2013--a symbol of…

Shared Hope
by: Shared Hope
views: 123

Global Forced Labor by Region »

Globally, there are approximately 2.5 million people in forced labor due to human trafficking. The majority of people in forced…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 151

Minors are Targets for Human Trafficking »

Americans age 17 or younger are the most likely to fall victim to human trafficking. Almost half of all human…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 153