“manufacturing” Charts

High Starting Salaries May Be Hard To Come By For Graduates »

Mining, quarrying, oil and gas extraction jobs have the highest starting salaries for recent graduates, but also the lowest numbers…

Jacob Jedamus-Denu
by: Jacob Jedamus-Denu
views: 614
Score: 7

Wind Energy Can Create US Manufacturing Jobs »

The wind industry now employs 75,000 Americans. U.S. companies and their workers produce approximately 65 percent of every wind turbine…

Natural Resources Defense Council
by: Natural Resources Defense Council
views: 212
Score: 1

Why The Stock Market ≠ The US Economy »

While the stock market has undoubtedly experienced volatility in recent months, and many forecasters predict a rough ride ahead given…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 139

U.S. v. Germany: The Autoworker Wage Gap »

In Germany, auto workers get paid well and their companies still profit, destroying the myth that car companies have to…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 316

U.S. Manufacturing Output, Compensation Show Strong Growth »

U.S. manufacturing output today is 42 percent higher than it was in 1994 when NAFTA took effect. Additionally, compensation for…

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 258

Rethinking the U.S. Employment Landscape »

Manufacturing has been the back bone of the American labor force since Industrialization. But with technological advancement and outsourcing, the…

Lauren L.
by: Lauren L.
views: 107

The Cost of EPA Regulations »

In just one year (2023), Environmental Protection Agency regulations on electric plans would eliminate 336,000 manufacturing jobs around the U.S.

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 176

Your Stuff’s Not As Cheap As You Think It Is »

What do we really trade for all of the cheap stuff we buy? From 1980 to 2010, the U.S. lost…

The Media Consortium
by: The Media Consortium
views: 371

Apparel Manufacturing Employment in Decline »

From 1990 to 2011, the number of people employed in the apparel manufacturing industry has declined 83% in the United…

Steven Davies
by: Steven Davies
views: 228