“ilsr” Charts

Composting: A Savvy Economic Investment »

Composting systems—even high-tech ones—do not require the same level of capital investment as landfills or incinerators. While more research is…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 559
Score: 8

More Composting, More Jobs? »

In 2012, we set out to document the contribution of composting and natural wood waste recovery to Maryland’s job base.…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 465
Score: 6

Affordable Solar in Your Future »

This chart gives the big picture on solar costs with the most conservative example: solar energy in the Midwest –…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 401
Score: 3

Newsflash: Scientists Agree On Global Warming »

Above is the percentage of Americans that believe global warming is occurring. While most Americans agree that the planet is…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 384
Score: 3

Is Owning A Solar Panel Right For You? »

The answer depends on a variety of factors. This chart uses best estimates for leasing and financing terms based on…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 156
Score: 2

Why You Should Buy Your Own Solar »

Robert Borlick of Harvard’s Electricity Policy Group finds that in Southern California, solar homeowners give up 80% of their project’s…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 239
Score: 2

Amazon's Unfair Advantage »

When online retailers don't have to collect sales tax it disadvantages local businesses, undermines state and local governments that use…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 209
Score: 2

Loans Get Tougher for Smaller Small Businesses »

Over the last few years, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has dramatically reduced its support for smaller small businesses…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 163
Score: 1

This Dirty Power Isn't Coming From Where You Might Expect »

The highest levels of gross pollution come from big utility companies, like American Electric Power Company, Duke, and Exelon. But…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 254

Germany's Clean Power Revolution »

Twenty-five percent of Germany's power now comes from renewables. Even better, 47% of this wind and solar energy is owned…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 286

What Does a 21st Century Power Grid Look Like? »

In a grid centered on distributed renewable energy resources, the best energy supply is one that is flexible (can rapidly…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 119

FCC Face Palm: Net Neutrality v... Janet Jackson »

The FCC received over 1 million comments on net neutrality, with so many citizens weighing in that they briefly crashed…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 167

Walmart In The Grocery Market »

We are well on our way to a future in which Walmart controls half of our food system. Since 1998…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 104

In the Long Run, It Pays to Own Your Own Solar Panels »

Any car buyer can tell you that ownership tends to be a better deal than leasing. That’s why only 25%…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 156

We've Got a Long Way to Go When It Comes to Composting Food »

This chart shows the amount of municipal food scraps and yard trimmings generated and recovered over the last 15 years,…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 125

This Tax Could Fund Our Highways—If It Were Ever Raised »

In 1956 the Highway Trust Fund was established with revenue generated from a dedicated fuel tax of 3 cents/gallon. Presidents…

German Renewables: A Democratic Movement »

We've been following local ownership of renewable energy in Germany since early 2011, and it’s abundantly clear that the Germans…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 108

Where's the Love for Small Businesses? »

Since 2000, the overall volume of business lending per capita at banks has grown by 26 percent (adjusted for inflation).…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 150

The Real Value of Solar »

The basic concept behind value of solar is that utilities should pay a transparent and market-based price for solar energy,…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 265

Local Solar Power is Best »

For solar power, bigger isn't better. Instead, solar sized to the community and built in the community can be built…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 224