“fundraising” Charts

Killer diseases don't raise the most money »

Donations are not proportional to the need for research.

Stephen Ostermiller
by: Stephen Ostermiller
views: 243
Score: 4

#HeforShe: The Biggest Challenge for Women in Politics Is... »

In a recent poll of female state legislators, political parties were the most common area in which women found the…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 393
Score: 4

Wishing on a Fund »

The Make-A-Wish foundation is known for their dedicate commitment to granting wishes to kids with life-threatening conditions. A wish can…

Jocelyn Rossell
by: Jocelyn Rossell
views: 156

Campaign Donors: This Is Where Your Money Is Going »

Where candidates decide to spend their donors' money often says a great deal about their campaign. In general, the majority…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 201