“corporations” Charts

Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools »

This infographic appears in the Winter 2014 issue of YES! Magazine, Education Uprising: The New Rebels Taking Back Our Public…

YES! Magazine
by: YES! Magazine
views: 1193
Score: 14

Americans Say Corporations Are Not Paying Their Share »

Americans have, for many years now, said that corporations are paying too little in taxes while the middle class suffers.…

In These Times
by: In These Times
views: 116
Score: 1

The Truth Behind ALEC's Funding »

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) claims to be the largest voluntary membership group of state legislators in the country,…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 1287
Score: 1

The Companies With The Largest Swiss Bank Accounts »

While using offshore "Swiss" bank accounts to hold money as a shelter against tactics is practically a cliché symbol of…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 138

Who Will Hobby Lobby Affect? »

In its ruling, SCOTUS upheld the idea that closely-held corporations, like people, can express and have rights based on religious…

Kaitlin Senk
by: Kaitlin Senk
views: 183

Wisconsin GOP Marches in Lockstep with ALEC Agenda »

A review of 2011-2012 voting records by a University of Wisconsin academic demonstrates that many Wisconsin legislators are marching in…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 721

ALEC Denies Bill Tracking Despite Obvious Evidence »

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has secretly lobbied for the adoption of its corporate-backed bills and tracked them for…

by: PRWatch.org
views: 159

Gaming the System: Corporate Tax Dodging »

Wealthy corporations have become incredibly skilled at avoiding taxes. Shifting overseas, creating sham headquarters in tax haven countries, and even…

United for a Fair Economy
by: United for a Fair Economy
views: 130

Corporate Profits Continue To Soar Higher Than Ever »

Powerful new data shows just how badly American workers are faring in the 21st Century, as corporate profits soar ever…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 120