Why Corporations Want Our Public Schools

by YES! Magazine on Mar 5, 2014 | Views: 1194 | Score: 14
Sources: yesmagazine.org
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YES! Magazine
YES! Magazine on Feb 23, 2014 7:01 PM said:

This infographic appears in the Winter 2014 issue of YES! Magazine, Education Uprising: The New Rebels Taking Back Our Public Schools. To see more from this issue go to bit.ly/1cG8qUs.

Anonymous on Mar 11, 2014 7:26 AM said:

This is great, most informative concerning possible economic motivation for corporate involvement in education.
I am not a social conservative, by any stretch, and am quite concerned about the charter school movement .
However, this report, in my opinion, is unduly slanted against charters. To be balanced, it needs to address relative student performance and happiness, and to assess the methods those performances are evaluated by.
It is of critical importance, when assessing any conservative agenda, to be completely, repeat completely (as much as is humanly possible!), unbiased and unslanted. You must trust your reader's ability to decide.........
Thanks for the great report, and Cheers..........

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