“clean-energy” Charts

Biofuel Production Declines »

In 2012, the combined global production of ethanol and biodiesel fell for the first time since 2000. Biofuels are a…

Worldwatch Institute
by: Worldwatch Institute
views: 235
Score: 4

Americans Overwhelmingly Support Alternative Energy »

American citizens were asked if the U.S. should solve its energy problems by emphasizing production of more oil, gas and…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 218
Score: 1

Improvements Needed to Xcel’s Proposed MN Solar Program »

Xcel Energy has published their proposed community solar program on September 30, 2013. The Institute for Local Self-Reliance has submitted…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 171
Score: 1

How Air Pollution Is Killing Us Softly »

It kills over 200,000 people per year, but it seems rarely discussed. Policy measures could specifically target the most deadly…

by: Noah
views: 193
Score: 1

Utility Scale Clean Electricity Generation »

Over 200,000 Megawatt hours of generated electricity came from renewable power sources in 2014. This is the first time in…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 124

Solar Is The Future »

According to the National Solar Jobs Census, solar industry employment has grown by 86% in the past five years, resulting…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 185

U.S Homeowners On Clean Energy »

Nearly 9 out of 10 people say renewable energy is important to the nation's future. This spans all demographics as…

William Achnitz III
by: William Achnitz III
views: 183

What Does a 21st Century Power Grid Look Like? »

In a grid centered on distributed renewable energy resources, the best energy supply is one that is flexible (can rapidly…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 116

China: The World's Largest Solar PV Market »

Out of 38.7 GW of new solar PV capacity installed in 2013, 12 GW was installed in China, according to…

Natalie Lubsen
by: Natalie Lubsen
views: 160

The Real Value of Solar »

The basic concept behind value of solar is that utilities should pay a transparent and market-based price for solar energy,…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 262

Energy in Minnesota: Nothing Xcels Except the Price »

Xcel’s retail electricity rates have risen nearly 40% in the past decade and the utility announced its intention to increase…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 180

Local Solar Power is Best »

For solar power, bigger isn't better. Instead, solar sized to the community and built in the community can be built…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 222

Citizens Claim US Gov't "Not Doing Enough" For Environment »

While the number of Americans that believe the government is doing enough for the environment is only 2 points from…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 235

What Kind of Energy do Americans Want? »

Americans want the U.S. to put more emphasis on producing domestic energy using environmentally friendly approaches like solar power, wind…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 305

Jobs From Clean Energy: Ontario’s ‘Buy Local’ Policy »

Ontario’s clean energy program encourages local ownership and distributed generation, in part to broaden support for renewable energy and in…

Institute for Local Self-
by: Institute for Local Self-
views: 221