Politicians Have Done This 468 Times To Women in 2014
by SavvyRoo on Aug 13, 2014 | Views: 464 | Score: 3
Number of Bills Introduced in 2014 To Regulate Reproductive Health of... | |
Men | 0 |
Women | 468 |
mic.com, guttmacher.org
Number of Bills Introduced in 2014 To Regulate Reproductive Health of... | |
Men | 0 |
Women | 468 |
The year isn't over yet and, so far in 2014, state legislators have introduced close to 500 restrictions intended to limit, control or otherwise regulate women's reproductive rights. Of the 468 proposed restrictions, 21, covering 13 states, have been adopted. For example, in Arizona, helping a minor obtain an abortion without parental consent has been classified as a crime.