Not Just For Teens: Busting The Myths About Minimum Wage

by The National Memo on Nov 6, 2013 | Views: 159 | Score: 0
Minimum Wage Workers
% 20 years of age or older88
% who are women56
% who work full time55
% 40 years of age or older36
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The National Memo
The National Memo on Nov 6, 2013 5:12 AM said:

Proponents of the current wage level benefit from the mistaken perception that most Americans who earn the lowest possible wages are part-timers; teenagers looking for pocket money. Data from the Economic Policy Institute show that 88% of those who earn minimum wage aren’t teenagers: A majority work full-time and earn at least half of their family’s income.

Anonymous on Nov 10, 2013 4:28 AM said:

Would be neat to correlate how many minimum wage workers are pursuing any higher education, and any changes over time. That's where we need to focus: education as the key to lift adults out of poverty. I also think the minimum wage should be tied to the CPI, so it doesn't fall behind inflation, nor be a major contributing factor to national inflation.