“full-time” Charts

What Are College Students Up To? Certainly Not Slacking Off »

The price of college is higher than ever but not having a degree is even more costly, according to recent…

views: 831
Score: 5

Little Recovery for Full-Time Workers; Part-Timers Increase »

Since the recession, the workforce has shifted toward part-time workers. As a share of all workers, those working 35 hours…

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 126
Score: 2

Low-Income Workers Hit Hardest by Recession »

The proportion of workers with full-time jobs dropped by nearly six percentage points in the bottom quintile since the recession…

The Heritage Foundation
by: The Heritage Foundation
views: 126
Score: 2

Not Just For Teens: Busting The Myths About Minimum Wage »

Proponents of the current wage level benefit from the mistaken perception that most Americans who earn the lowest possible wages…

The National Memo
by: The National Memo
views: 178

Total And Full-Time, Year-Round Workers By Sex »

Male workers make up a larger portion of the work force than female workers, while female full-time, year-round workers make…

by: BeyondThePurchase.Org
views: 199