Hourly Spending Distribution on US Military Weapons

by Nat'l Priorities Project on Apr 2, 2014 | Views: 224 | Score: 0
Hourly Cost of Weapons in Millions of Dollars
Nuclear Weapons2.2
F-35 Jet Fighters0.964
Tomahawk Cruise Missiles0.036
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Nat'l Priorities Project
Nat'l Priorities Project on Oct 30, 2013 5:43 AM said:

Every hour 3.2 million dollars of tax payer money is spent on nuclear weapons, jet fighters, and cruise missiles. 2.2 million is spent every hour managing, developing, and maintaining the US nuclear weapons stockpile. As of October 2013, 25 million has been spent in the 2014 fiscal year on F-35 jet fighters alone.