Quarterly Sales of Video Game Consoles

by Matthew Lawlor on Oct 15, 2013 | Views: 346 | Score: 2
WiiXbox 360Playstation
Q1 20095.41.71.6
Q2 20092.11.11
Q3 20093.523.1
Q4 200911.25.16.5
Q1 20103.51.52.1
Q2 201031.52.3
Q3 20101.92.93.5
Q4 20109.96.26.2
Q1 20111.42.82
Q2 20111.51.61.7
Q3 20111.92.13.5
Q4 20115.68.16.5
Q1 201211.32.5
Q2 20120.91.12.8
Q3 201211.73.4
Q4 20125.15.96.9
Q1 20130.91.23.3
Q2 20130.411.1
Millions of Units Shipped Globally
Sources: geekwire.com
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Matthew Lawlor
Matthew Lawlor on Oct 15, 2013 4:28 PM said:

Since 2009, the Nintendo Wii console has steadily declined in popularity. Despite the release of the new Wii-U, Xbox and Playstation continue to overshadow the Nintendo platform. Microsoft is on a slight decline, but having sold more than 76 millions units since the release of Xbox 360, they continue to be the market leader.

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