The Most Popular Video Games Of All Time

by SavvyRoo on Apr 23, 2015 | Views: 178 | Score: 0
# of video game copies sold
Wii Sports81640000
Super Mario Brothers40240000
Mario Kart Wii34010000
Wii Sports Resort31540000
New Super Mario Brothers28020000
Wii Play28020000
The New Super Mario Brothers Wii27610000
Kinect Adventures24000000
Pokemon Red & Blue23640000
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SavvyRoo on Apr 23, 2015 2:40 PM said:

When it comes to judging the most popular video games, there seems to be a pretty clear pattern. The games that found the most success have been consistently centered around the Wii and the Super Mario Bros. franchise. Seven out of the top ten best selling video games related to either of the two. Wii Sports tops the list as the most popular game of all time, selling more than twice the number of copies as its closest competitor.

Noah on Apr 24, 2015 9:42 AM said:

# of video game copies pirated - Tetris would be off the chart on this.

Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on May 11, 2015 8:59 AM said:

That might make a good chart of its own! Hmmm...