Who Is Running The Cleanest Campaign?

by SavvyRoo on Mar 1, 2016 | Views: 372 | Score: 1
Fair campaignDon't know / No opinionDirty Campaign
Ben Carson8586
John Kasich75196
Marco Rubio581427
Donald Trump53839
Ted Cruz371548
% of Americans that believe the following presidential candidates are running a...
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SavvyRoo on Mar 1, 2016 3:01 PM said:

When it comes to running a presidential campaign, there are two ways to do it. According to a recent study by YouGov, Ben Carson stands as the candidate with the cleanest campaign. Perhaps a result of Cruz's actions against the Carson campaign, more Americans view Cruz as running a dirty campaign than a clean one. Indeed, #TrustTed doesn't seem to be resonating.