The World's Most Endorsed Athletes

by Christian Stellakis on Sep 2, 2015 | Views: 145 | Score: 0
Yearly endorsement earnings (in USD)
Roger Federer58000000
Tiger Woods50000000
Phil Mickelson44000000
Lebron James44000000
Kevin Durant35000000
Roy McIlroy32000000
Novak Djokovic31000000
Rafael Nadal28000000
Christiano Ronaldo27000000
Mahendra Singh Dhoni27000000
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Christian Stellakis
Christian Stellakis on Sep 2, 2015 12:48 PM said:

Ever wish that business would pay you large sums of money just for wearing or using their product? For these athletes, that dream is a reality. Receiving endorsements from Wilson, Nike, Rolex, and other brands, tennis pro Roger Federer tops the list as the most endorsed athlete in the world, earning nearly sixty million dollars a year from endorsements alone.