“athletes” Charts

Grab Your Gear and Make Money: Highest Paid Athletes »

There is no one sport that dominates the world, but there are the 5 highest paid athletes. Starting the list…

Jocelyn Rossell
by: Jocelyn Rossell
views: 168
Score: 2

Which College Athletes Drink The Most? »

According to an NCAA survey, lacrosse players consume more alcohol than other college athletes. They also smoke more weed than…

by: Noah
views: 218
Score: 2

The World's Most Endorsed Athletes »

Ever wish that business would pay you large sums of money just for wearing or using their product? For these…

Christian Stellakis
by: Christian Stellakis
views: 145

Male vs. Female Athletic Scholarship Distribution »

In this pie chart, you can see the amount of college athletic scholarship money (dollars) that male athletes receive, leaving…

Melissa Adeva
by: Melissa Adeva
views: 189

The Most Disliked #Athletes In The United States »

Many well-known athletes have rabid fan bases, legions of followers, and are regarded as role models among their peers. These…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 171

Top 10 "Most Disliked Athletes" Per Sport »

Out of the Top 10 Most Disliked Athletes, how many are from each sport? The two sports that many would…

James Gaither
by: James Gaither
views: 114

Should College Athletes Get Paid? »

A strong majority of Americans believe that college athletes should not get paid for their performance on the field. Pay-to-play…

by: SavvyRoo
views: 148